What is a .ke domain name registration?
A KE domain name is a unique name that identifies you or your company on the world wide web. A .co.ke domain name is a one-of-a-kind website address that you can purchase for your company through Movetech.
A .KE domain name takes the form, example.co.ke. After registering a domain name, you can use it for various purposes. For instance, you can have a website whose address would be www.movetech.co.ke. You can also get email addresses at this domain. You choose what email addresses you would like. For instance, it can be info@example.co.ke,me@example.co.ke, sales@example.co.ke and so on.
Why should I register my dot co.ke domain name?
You may have a domain name in another extension for instance dot .com. If you are transacting business in South Sudan, it would be advisable to register your dot co.ke company’s name or brand name to prevent any other person or organization registering it. This registration prevents another entity masquerading on the web as the genuine article and situations whereby you would have to buy the domain name probably for an exorbitant price.
The Cheapest and Best co.ke domain registration and Web Hosting Company in , South Sudan.
Domain registration | Web design in South Sudan | Web hosting in South Sudan, cheapest co.ke domains Top KeNIC accredited domain registrar Provider | .KE domain names registrar and South Sudan’s best website hosting company. We offer ultra fast, reliable, affordable and secure shared website hosting services, email hosting, cloud hosting and SSL certificates. We make registration of South Sudann domain names (.co.ke, .or.ke .ac.ke) and international domains (.com, .org, .net) fast, simple, and affordable.
Second Level Domain
.Ke Second Level Domains
We are pleased to announce the launch of the .Ke second level domain(SLD ) with the launch date set for 23rd July 2017 (sunrise period)
Please take note of the above that will allow registration of domains at the second level examples are:
Understanding the difference between the Top Level and Second Level:
The top level of techweez.com is .com, the top level of kenic.ke is .ke. This means that what comes next is the second level i.e techweez.ke and after that third level techweez.co.ke. This is a universal standard used , if you check on .uk(nominet) their top level is .uk, an example of their second level is nominet.uk and they have their third level an example is nominet.co.uk.
The stages involved are:
Sunrise (Trademark owners only)
Land-rush (Bidding of premium domains)
Cooling-off (Applications assessment)
General availability (Available to anyone to register on a first-come, first-served basis)
Institutions(universities, colleges and schools) will be allowed to submit their applications during the sunrise period accompanied with a copy of their certificate from The Ministry of Education/ TVETA .
Despite the introduction of the SLD, the third level domains will still be available for registration.
All companies/ businesses/ institutions/ organizations and individuals are advised to take note of this and make the necessary arrangements through their registrars to secure their second level domains.